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Contemporary Osteria | Venice

Traditions & Innovation

Contemporary Osteria | Venice

Contemporary Osteria | Venice

Immerse yourself in your romantic experience...

Rediscover your dimension between the intimacy of ancient walls and the pampering of a cuisine that juggles tradition and innovation.

El Magazen is a small restaurant, but with a big aspiration:

share the dream of a romantic oasis with a Venetian flavor with couples of all nationalities.


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Calle Larga Giancinto Gallina, 5402
Venice, 30132 VE

Opening hours

Thursday and Sunday

6.30pm - 10.00pm

Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 

12:00 – 14:00  |  6.30pm - 10.00pm

We are close

on Wednesday

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+39 041 302 2600

Calle Larga Giacinto Gallina, 5402, 30121 Venice VE

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